Your unique voice is important and should be heard.Inspired by the strong message in America to VOTE this coming election, the Global Sisterhood of SL presents....An Army of ONE.Choreographed and Direction by Anu Papp ... Hair: tram I1223 Shirt: UC Orion Fringe shirt Gloves: Codex Sadystika Heel: Eudora3D Berlin Pants: Mimikri Alexis Model, stylist & photographer Syra Hyun ...

Un lugar precioso que ya no existe, ya sabemos que SL es efímero, pero menos mal que nos queda la "memoria fotográfica" para poder recordarlos. ...

Estas fotos las hice para VERSUS MAGAZINE SPRING/SUMMER 2019 aquí os dejo el link para que podais leerla "Tell me a Story" es una instalación muy especial en el sim de arte de Meilo Minotaur y CapCat Ragu. Quien conoce un poco la obra de Meilo Minotaur conoce sus poeticos personajes y la relevancia que les da en sus obras. Meilo sale...
Already our 2nd anniversary and it seems yesterday... Come and celebrate with us! Some of our super generous and great designers have offered graciously some gifts to thank you for being with us all this time and more to come. And...get ready for party with us on May, 19th EBENTO ...
Dress: Gloss by Glitter for SWANK Nail by Slackgirl Hair by Letituier Model, stylist & photographer Syra Hyun ...