

11:36 PM

Dress and sunglasses    AD Creations     Andrew dress / mesh (EXCLUSIVE  ASHRAYA LM SOON)
Hair    [[Loovus Dzevavor]]    ~ Hair: Diska Blanc 1  (EXCLUSIVE  ASHRAYA LM SOON)
Hair       [[Loovus Dzevavor]]   ~ Hair: Lata Mem Blanc 1  (EXCLUSIVE  ASHRAYA LM SOON)
Earrings      [Amarelo Manga]          Set Duo - ONIX
Skin         -Glam Affair -       Leah - Contessina BL  (THE GALLERY GIFT SHOP)
Shoes       Indyra Originals         Coquette Noir MIschief Wedge (Old gift)
Chair    Lisp Bazaar      Aslum Craft Love Chair
Pose    Lap

Model, stylist & photographer       Syra Hyun

El dia 5 de mayo se inagura "The Ashraya Project", ASHRAYA es una organización que da apoyo a niños necesitados y mujeres maltratadas, y tiene su sede en la India. Cada diseñador aportará una creación exclusiva para este evento y la feria durará del 6 de mayo al 4 de junio. Aqui os dejo toda la información del evento, en inglés, como siempre me abstengo de traducirlo ya que como todos sabeis mi traducción seria nada fiel :) De momento no pongo la LM porque la feria no esta abierta, pero así vais viendo lo que os podreis encontrar en ella.
En este post os avanzo un diseño de AD, un vestido mesh precioso con sus gafitas, y una combinación que he hecho de dos diseños de pelo de Loovus que podeis encontrar también en el evento.
La piel es de Glam Affair para el evento THE GALLERY GIFT SHOP y los pendientes son uno de los ultimos diseños de joyeria de Amarelo Manga, me encantó esa combinacion en negro y rosa, tan delicados, con el vestido de Ad, tan potente. Los zapatos los tenia en mi inventario, de Indyra y la verdad es que me gustan mucho, no se si de un antiguo hunt o un regalo de la marca, creo que son perfectos con este look.



• Thu. May 3rd: Opening to Bloggers and Press

• Sat. May 5th:
10.00 am SLT: Fashion Show featuring exclusive creations of the Fashion Fair
12.00 pm SLT:  Interview to Virginia Lupindo “How Ashraya changed my life”
12.30 pm SLT: Celebration Party with Djs
6.00 pm SLT: Fashion Show featuring exclusive creations of the Fashion Fair

• Sun. May 6th: Official Opening of The Ashraya Project Fashion Fair
• Sat. May 12th, 10.00 am SLT: Ga-Go SL Ver. Concert
• Fri. May 18th, 2.00 pm SLT: Mankind Tracer Concert
• Mon. May 28th, 12.00 pm SLT: Official Opening of the Art Expo
• Mon. June 4th, 12.00 pm SLT: Closing Party and Auctions

DJs schedule will be announced soon


Ashraya is an organization based in India which operates with the purpose of providing aid to Indian children in need and abused women through the implementation of various projects.
From the organization’s website:
“Ashraya”, meaning ‘Shelter’ has brought hope and love into the lives of several hundred children and women, over many years. Founded and registered in 1982, the Bangalore based organization is dedicated to finding solutions for children within the frame work of their own biological families, or in adoptive homes. Initially, the organization’s main function was to work with and rehabilitate destitute, poor and abandoned children. It has now extended its services to the family as a whole.”    (http://www.ashraya.net)
As is true in so many nations throughout our world, the quality of care for institutionalized children suffers due to lack of resources and financial support. When founded, Ashraya’s purpose was to improve the quality of care for these children.
The organization operates under the firm belief that such institutions are best only as temporary placement for children, and adoption has become a large piece of Ashraya’s mission. Through the important work done here, hundreds of children are placed with their forever families and are able to enjoy happiness and a bright future.
Education is highly valued by Ashraya, and that is why the organization also supports endeavors to provide schooling to children who would not otherwise be able to learn to read and write.
By helping children lead safe, happy lives and providing them with the important tools that a solid education can bring, Ashraya continues to improve the world, one young life at a time.

Read Ashraya success stories here: http://ashraya.net/subpages/Success.html

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