

1:21 PM

Por fin llegó el dia, ART in HATS se inaguró el sabado 14 de junio, una exposición que es de obligación de ver, los sombreros convertidos en obras de arte y los fotografos dando vida a ese arte, es una mezcla bien curiosa. Más abajo os dejo al información del evento y el link para que no os de pereza ir. Besos y disfrutadlo!

Hat: Night and Day by  BaObA for ART in HATS
Dress: 1985 by Dead Dollz
Skin: Brandi - Frost by Glam Affair

          ART IN HATS 2014


After the great success for the première last year ART in HATS – HATS in ART the art and fashion event is back and this this on a higher scale as full sim event:

More than 70 artists worked together for largest and most exciting hat event that Second Life ever has seen. Enjoy more than 100 hats, headpieces and images taken with them.


22769, Aliza Karu, Alpha Auer, AmandaMir, Amona Savira, Annough Lykin, Aurora Mycano, Awesome Fallen, AyaShula, Baoba, Barbara Wardell, Betty Tureaud, Bianca Xavorin, Bliensen + MaiTai,  Burk, Bode, ByrneDarkly Cazalet, Caitlin Tobias, Caoimhe Lionheart, Cherry Manga, CHOP ZUEY, cold Frog, Couture Chapeau, Dido Haas, Elysium, Eupalinos Ugajin, Falbala Fairey, Freyja Merryman, Fuschia Nightfire, Gladys Ruby, Gypsy Couture, Hatters'n Hell, h.m.a.e.m., Jess McHope, Kikas Babenco, Kynne Llewellyn, !Lyrical B!zarre Templates!, LODE Headwear, Lybra, Maloe Vansant, Melusina Parkin, MEB, Meili Minotaur, Mina, Moya, naminaeko, Natzuka Miliandrovic, Noke Yuitza, Paradox Messmer, Paris METRO Couture, Porcelain Decay, Secret Rage, Shimmer, Sina Souza, Sonatta Morales, Sparkie Cyberstar, Spyralle, Stone's Works, Syra Hyun, [sYs] design, Telchar Elf, The Mad Hattery, Tik Merlin, Trill Zapatero, Vivienne Darcy, Wizardoz Chome,  WuWai Chun, Xen's Hats, Zanze


Exhibition/Sale/ Auction will be open from June 14th until July 31st.

OPENING June 14th at 2 PM SLT feat. Morlita Quan

FOTO CONTEST for all visitors. Create your own hat design!

FASHION SHOW June 21st at 2 PM SLT
This is a slightly different show - Everyone is a star!

HAT AUCTION of One-of-a-Kind pieces in favor of Feed A Smile

THE MAD HATTERY CLASSICS - Get some great designs for only 10 Linden!

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